Premier Companies wanted software to manage their entire business, from the sales stage to the order stage, all the way through to tracking existing inventory, trouble tickets, and commissions. We have been working closely with them to develop their new, activity-based approach to project planning.
Premier liked us so much they called on us to help them develop their latest product, a Nurse Call application. ResiCheck enables residents to check in daily from the phone in their room, and enables nurses to set up the system to automatically call residents with reminders and announcements. It additionally integrates the existing alarm systems with cisco ip phones, allowing for a more responsive staff and better tracking of nurse response times. On top of all that, ResiCheck communicates over the network with physical devices, enabling nearly limitless building automation possibilities.

We are the development team behind the open source IT administration platform Paragent. You can download the code from the project page. Paragent.com includes both server and client applications written in C++ and Lisp.

Cusp is a development environment for Lisp built on top of the Eclipse platform. It runs SBCL and hooks into the Swank half of Slime. It provides a repl, project manager, an outline of your code for simple navigation, code editor, syntax highlighting, auto-indentation, parenthesis matching, auto-completion, library management, and more.

DCS Remote Maintenance Tool
Digital Communications Services needed a tool to help manage the remote telephony sites for a major customer, and needed it done quickly. The DCS Remote Maintenance Tool incorporates Google mapping and large-format image uploads into an easy-to use equipment database.

Amedco Website
Amedco needed to rebrand their website, and get their message out to potential customers. We worked closely with Amedco’s management team to develop their new look and feel.

ASTS Meeting Video Page
The American Society of Transplant Surgeons needed a web site to host the videos from their annual winter meeting, and needed it to match the look and feel of the existing collateral material.